Thursday, September 15, 2011

At Last We Meet

With a dry mouth and a lump the size of Buddha's belly in my throat, I rode the elevator to the 1st floor, met with Mrs. Kim, Soo Jin. The doors broke open with an audible clank and a hallway was visible across an open room.  I wandered forward, each step was a step towards a room and my new daughter.  Nervously I chatter with my wife about how exciting this is, but really, I'm thinking:  "Will she like me?,  Could this all go terribly wrong?  How audacious a plan we had hatched,. perhaps too much so.  How arrogant to believe that we could reach 1/2 way around the world...."


My heart melted as I saw this cute little girl with pig tails (she was wearing the green dress we had sent).  She was with her foster mother sitting on the floor of a play room.  She was shy of us for the first 1/2 hour.  As Rhonda fired questions at the Social Worker who intern would interpret to the foster mother, I scooched forward little by little playing with the various toys in the room and gathering little Jaelee's attention.  Then it just happened, Jaelee's shyness vanished and she was playing and smiling at us.  It seemed like a blink of an eye and it was time for her to go back to the foster home.  We presented a gift to the foster mother, performing the appropriate gestures of thanks, and said our goodbye to little Jaelee. 
We are overwhelmed at how smart and beautiful our daughter is, and can not wait to introduce her to all of you, especially you Isabella.  (See Pictures on left side column & video below)

Luckily we were promised another visit which will occur this next Tuesday and she will get to stay the entire night with us at the hotel. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...melt my heart...she is adorable! :)
